Why This

Another Storyteller
1 min readDec 13, 2020

Nowaydays one can’t open LinkedIn without reading that you’ve got to start with why. Luckily, this time around it is pretty straightforward - I’m active here to tidy up my head.

Tidy up?
You need to know your content inside before you can properly write about it. Big changes happen gradually, and I believe every time I will publish here a page it will have polished yet another little piece of what is inside of me. Hopefully this will improve my ability to gather a coherent set of words, and do it fast.

What is in this project for the reader?
So far, this is only about myself, and who would care so much about me. Well… mostly I will share stories about my experiences. Other times it will be pieces of analysis that I do. I may review books, movies or games. Finally, I will make recommendations about any hacks and tricks I learn.



Another Storyteller

Happily jobless and in reinvention. I will use the time on my hands to elaborate on what I am learning about, work experiences, and things that interest me.